Transcription is one of the best work-at-home (WAH) opportunities available today. You can earn a considerable income from doing transcription jobs and you do not require any special skills to get started. All you need is a laptop, good internet connection, and great listening skills.
Unfortunately, the ease of getting started with transcription also makes the industry very competitive. This is especially the case for general transcription jobs. Getting transcription work from reputable companies is almost impossible if you do not know where to look and how to approach potential employers.
The TCI General Transcription Training Course is designed to give you the ins-and-outs of the industry and put you on fast-track to become a transcriptionist. Going through the course will help you avoid the common mistakes transcriptionists make.
Whether you are new or have some experience with transcription, you need the TCI course to unlock the opportunities to become a successful transcriptionist. Here is what is covered in the course:
Our General Transcription Training Course is designed to help you become a top-notch transcriptionist from home. However, we go further than just giving you knowledge and guidance of the industry. We position you for success through:
We offer guaranteed internships to students that pass the course with qualifying grades, so they can gain real-world experience as professional transcribers. The internship involves working with leading companies to handle their transcription work. This internship will help you understand what to expect from transcription clients.
Our ongoing career support is there to help you be successful as a transcriptionist. You will have access to high earning transcriptionists to help you with any obstacles along the way. Whether it’s about handling difficult clients or taxes, we’ll be there to guide you.
The TCI transcription discussion board is a vibrant community where you can get support and feedback from other transcriptionists. Interact with transcriptionists that are eager to share their knowledge to be successful.
This tool will put you miles ahead of other transcribers by improving your listening skills and typing accuracy.