10 Embarrassing Grammar Goofs



10 Embarrassing Grammar Goofs

Good grammar is essential in any professional situation. The wrong use of a word can throw off the entire context of a message or text. This can lead to confusion and embarrassment, tarnishing your reputation, especially if your mistake results in financial loss A few of the most commonly misused words include the following.

Affect vs. Effect

Affect is a verb describing how something reacts, while effect is a noun that is used to describe what is causing the reaction.

Its vs. It's

Its represents ownership by someone or something, while it's, is a contracted form of “it is”.

Your vs. You're

Your represents something you own, while you're is a contraction for “you are”.

There, Their, or They're?

They're is a contracted form of the words "they are."Their shows possession for something "they" own and there refers to a particular place.

Lose vs. Loose

Lose means that something has been lost, while loose refers to the opposite of tight or being too big.

Could of, Should of, Would of

The use of the word “of” is inaccurate in this case. Instead,use the word have to show proper grammar:

Complement vs. Compliment

Complement means to enhance or make something better. A compliment is sign of approval or appreciation.

Less vs. Fewer

If you are dealing with something that cannot be counted, the word less is appropriate. When you are referring to a specific number, the word fewer is used.

Principle vs. Principal

A principle refers to a law, doctrine or standard that should be followed, while principal refers to a ranking or rating from low to high. Principal can also refer to the head or leader of a group.

Literally Speaking

When someone literally speaking, there is no speculation. They are discussing something that is actually happening.

Historical vs. Historic

The word historic refers to an event that is taking or has taken place, while historical refers to the value or significance of an item or time period.

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