5 Influential Podcasts for Stay-at-Home Moms

5 Influential Podcasts for Stay-at-Home Moms

Moms can be hyper-productive, getting several things done in under ten minutes. Whether they are attending Zoom calls while simultaneously taking care of their children, walking their dogs in the park, potty training toddlers, or pushing the stroller, moms seem to have endless energy to keep going. However, they can also be overwhelmed with all the tasks they have to do. So as you go about conquering your day, here is a list of five influential podcasts that will help you keep your calm and ready to take on any challenge.

The Homework to Happiness Podcast, with Sarah Jordan

Sarah is a US-based life coach who creates podcasts for the stay-at-home mom. Her 'Homework to Happiness' podcast is for moms looking for their version of happiness and, who need to realize that happiness does not just 'happen'. She believes in living a life of truth and sharing one's unique gifts with the world. As a life coach, Sarah encourages stay-at-home moms to pursue self-care and self-love because caring for others begins with self-love, and people who love themselves are often more devoted towards their families.

Here are some popular episodes from the podcasts:

S1 E1: Getting Past Perfect
S3 E1: Personal Boundaries
S3 E3: Comparison

The Everyday Mum Podcast, with Heidi Fitzpatrick

Heidi started her podcasting journey after having four kids making her life completely chaotic. Just like any typical mom, there was a point in Heidi's life where she was in dire need to keep things organized. So, she constantly asked moms around her how they managed to run their house, get dinner ready, look after their toddlers, and still not be exhausted.

She realized most of the things she was doing every day were tips given by other moms. While working with other moms for her business, Wellness Mummy, she observed many stay-at-home moms were desperately looking for these tips. This encouraged her to begin her podcasting journey to help moms manage their lives and get extra time to take care of themselves. Her podcasts are a collection of interviews held with moms sharing their journey from different walks of life.

Listen to some popular episodes from the podcasts:

EP 02: Teresa Fitzpatrick: My sister-in-law and mum of 2
EP 04: Healthy Lunch Boxes
EP 22: Nikki Lane: Has a story for moms who feel like they are doing a terrible job

The Free & Fearless Podcast, with Lidiya Kesarovska

This podcast focuses on encouraging those who want to stop settling and start growing. Lidiya releases inspirational podcasts for moms or any women willing to give their lives a second chance. Through her episodes, she shares her life experiences working as a blogger since her early 20s and how she drove thousands of dollars for her business.     
This podcast discusses business, blogging, personal growth, and life tips to free oneself from fears and be their own boss. 

Listen to some of the popular episodes from the podcasts:

EP 1: The Dark Side of Entrepreneurship
EP 2: Freelancer vs. Blogger vs. Course Creator
EP 8: How I made $54k from my Blogging Business in 2020

Because I Can Life, with Alison J. Prince

Alison is a junior high teacher turned multi-millionaire entrepreneur with kids growing at her feet. Her podcast compels women to take charge of their life. It encourages them to take the road less traveled where no one needs permission to start making money. Her episodes empower and help stay-at-home moms remain positive by discussing ways to live life beautifully while finding their inner peace. 

Listen to recommended episodes from the podcasts:

EP 74: Do you ever feel underestimated?    
EP 68: 12 success stories toy can lean on
EP 57: Cluttered Brain? Cluttered House? Cluttered life?

Forever 35

Through Forever 35 podcasts, two LA-based friends and writers, Doree Shafrir and Kate Spencer dive into their daily routine and share their obsession with self-care. From the best resolutions to finding a great therapist, discovering the challenges of friendship, and what they are cooking for dinner, Doree and Kate leave no stone unturned to bring life and color to their episodes which helps the stay-at-home moms learn about the importance of self-care and a positive mindset. 

Listen to some of the Forever 35 trending podcasts:

EP 208: Your Soul is Smiling
EP 170: Self Care or Self-delusion
EP 201: Back to the Future


uSpeak by TCI 

Transcription Certification Institute was launched in November 2009 by a group of transcriptionists, proofreaders, and transcription company ownership. In the newly launched podcast, uSpeak discusses side hustling women who have started their entrepreneurial venture after leaving their 9 to 5 jobs. Join us for the podcast to hear Minnie, the president of TCI, interviewing extraordinary guests while they share their life experiences. If side hustling is your passion, or if you want to start your work-from-home project, or just want to hear some great career advice, uSpeak podcast by TCI is the right choice for you.

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