10 Things to Avoid When Writing Your Resume

10 Things to Avoid When Writing Your Resume

Recruiters spend less than half a minute on the initial review of your resume. You might not know that there are a few things that do not belong on your resume and can perhaps reflect negatively on you. These can get you out of the consideration queue for a job before it gets a thorough review.
A good resume increases the chances of a positive response from the organizations you have applied to. So, it would be best if you were very careful about what you write. There are certain resume mistakes to avoid for creating a positive first impression.

10 things that you should LEAVE OFF your resume

  1. Get rid of irrelevant experiences

    Focus on roles that contribute to your desired career trajectory.

  2. Keep it completely professional

    Information like marital status or religious preferences is not relevant in today’s context and should not necessarily be included. Employers cannot ask about it legally. Avoid putting in these details.

  3. Choose your “Career Objective” thoughtfully

    A Career Objective statement is the best way to introduce a resume. Try not to state the obvious. Instead, try summarizing your long term goals.

  4. Skip the Hobbies and Interests sections

    They may be great conversation starters in interviews but this is best for newcomers who have to impress hiring managers with such details. Include skills relevant to the job instead.

  5. Stop including references

    Your references will not matter until later in the application process.  Not all employers look for references in the early stages of the application 

  6. Do not use personal pronouns

    It is an understood fact that the resume is about you. Including words like “me” or “my” do not make any sense. Instead, keep your language straightforward and brief.

  7. Long paragraphs? No thank you!

    A resume is a concise form of your CV. Use bullet points to relay your experience and focus on providing your achievements and results.

  8. Misspellings and grammatical errors

    If you have a typo, someone will surely notice it and that could work against you. Always proofread your resume before you apply for jobs.

  9. Do not include inappropriate or incomplete contact info

    Understand that your resume will hardly get a 5-10 second scan by the HR staff. So you do not want them to spend time on any unprofessional contact information.

  10. Reasons for leaving your previous employers

    Unless you are asked in an interview, there is no need to list your reasons for leaving your previous employer on your resume.

Now that you know things to avoid in a resume while writing one, let us move on to what SHOULD be there to make it look better. These resume tips focus on the format instead of the information. 

  1. Resume length

    It should be as concise as possible. One page is preferable.

  2. Font and size

    Avoid using fancy fonts that are too difficult to read and keep your font size between 10 and 12 points (the size for your headings can be large or bold).

  3. Page margins

    The standard page margins in word processing programs work for most documents. You can tighten the margins if needed.

  4. Layout

    Keep each section uniform if you decide to organize it.

  5. Include your accomplishments

    State and quantify your accomplishments and not just what you were supposed to do in the job. Your achievements are one of the top things recruiters look for in a resume

Keep in mind that along with this, your personality will be a major deciding factor if you will get the job. Most recruiters look for candidates who:

  • Have future career goals
  • Quick learners
  • Have leadership qualities
  • Always enthusiastic
  • Have aligned valuesFinding a Transcription Job

If you are looking for a transcription or translation job, TCI Job Board is the right platform for you. It is a leading transcription job search site specializing in full-time, part-time, freelance, and contractor based translation and/or transcription jobs. You can apply to multiple employers at once, build your online transcriptionist resume, and get job alerts sent to your inbox.

Also Read: How to Create an Outstanding Transcriptionist Resume to Get Shortlisted

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